Diversified Adjustments
Chiropractic adjustments can improve more than just your neck and back. Chiropractic care can improve conditions head to toe, including things like headaches, ear infections, digestion problems and asthma. Everyone from newborns to our older generation can benefit from regular treatment.
Acoustic Compression Therapy
Well Wave Therapy, or Piezo-electric Therapy, uses acoustic compression waves for the treatment of acute and chronic pain in muscles, tendons and joints. Waves are generated to treat tissue at varying depths to compress and manipulate soft tissues for specific, targeted pain relief.
CBD Products
June's Garden Hemp
Quality CBD Oil, lotion, and other products. CBD can help alleviate chronic pain, anxiety, stress and other conditions naturally. We found the highest quality CBD products to help get you feeling your best without wasting your money.
Personalized Care
Other services available include IASTM, Kinesiology Tape, E-stim therapy and a decompression table. Ask you doctor what services you may benefit from.